
Acclerator Program

Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Hitch Studio has built a modern plan to win the marketplace. Winning and producing business results just got fun again.  

If you have people in your company, then you must build a talent plan that builds teams of inspired and passionate people. It never happens by accident. 

Hitch Studio's Accelerator program is a first of it's kind and will transform your team over 10 weeks. We are 100% focused on helping you be a superstar and crush your goals. We only win, when you do! 

Take the leap today, inspire your team like never before and see the results quickly follow!


Meeting Spark

According to a recent study,  there are 25 million meetings per day in the US! Additionally, approximately $37 billion is spent every year on unproductive meetings! We experienced this phenomenon during our time in corporate America and new there was a better way. 

We used our experience to a first of of it's kind cloud-based meeting tool. It will transform both your meeting success as well as your meeting productivity. Your meetings don't have to suck anymore! Learn more.




As the attention span of people continues to drop in addition to the increase of the amount of content available to people, we are at a key transformation in the science of training content. People demand content that is both concise and engaging. This has led to the birth of micro-content. 

We leverage years of leading the study of micro-content with the successful business application to develop our expert micro strategy. We would love to share with you both the results we have seen as well as how we can work with you to achieve your business goals through world-class micro-content.  

My team absolutely loves Meeting Spark. It is transforming the way we have meetings and helping create huge productivity and innovation wins for us.
— Casey D.